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Dog Bites and Your Rights in NJ

Were you or a loved one injured a victim of a dog attack? So long as you were not trespassing at the time of the incident or provoking the animal, you are likely eligible for compensation.

While most personal injury cases revolve the concept of “negligence,” dog bite cases in NJ operate under the doctrine of strict liability. If you are attacked by a dog, then you don’t need to prove malice or negligence. Dog owners are always held responsible for the actions of their animals regardless of any precautions they may have taken.

There are really only two exceptions to strict liability in the state of New Jersey:

  1. If the person injured is trespassing during an attack
  2. If the person injured had provoked the animal to attack

Outside of these two special cases, the dog owner can be held responsible for all damages caused by their animal’s attack.

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    The Hidden Costs of an Animal Attack!

    We know that our clients bear more than the visible scars. After an attack there is often a pain that runs deeper and cannot easily be articulated. That is why we investigate every aspect of your claim, including the costs of future medical attention.

    We gather every scrap of evidence from the police report and eyewitness statements. In some cases we may work with expert physicians to determine the necessity for additional surgeries to minimize scarring. We leave no stone untouched on our crusade for justice!

    We will also obtain reports from the doctors currently treating you for these injuries. Information from plastic surgeons, psychologists, and other experts will help us determine the extent and scope of the injuries you’ve sustained as a result of the attack, taking note of permanent scars or disfigurement.

    Once our paper-work is compiled, we will submit our claim to all possible sources of compensation, especially the dog owner’s insurance policies. We care about you, dear client, and want to be able to help you find a relief during this period of stress.

    What sorts of dog bite injuries qualify for compensation?

    Any of the following may indicate possible eligibility for compensation:

    • broken bones
    • cuts or bruises
    • scarring
    • death
    • dismemberment
    • disfigurement
    • psychological trauma

    If you were attacked by a dog in New Jersey, you are entitled to compensation.

    New Jersey’s strict liability for dogs means that unless you provoked the dog or trespassed on the owner’s property, you are not at fault and can seek financial compensation for the dog attacking you. Talk to one of our lawyers today for a free consultation.